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Karlsborgs Fortress Museum – An Adventure For The Whole Family

Karlsborgs Fortress Museum is situated in the middle of the 678 meter long Strong hold inside the fortress. The Museum has more than 2000m2 area and showcases uniforms, weapons, miniature models, objects and much more from all units situated in Karlsborg but also the native place.

Here you can follow the history from the idea of the Fortress to the finishing of the Fortress 90 years later.


Anders Åkerberg
Anders Åkerberg

About The Fortress

In this Exhibition we showcase why, how and by whom the fortress was built. You will take part of architecture drawings not shown before, objects from the civilians living in the fortress and the capivating history how the fortress shovel after shovel was completed.




Anders Åkerberg
Anders Åkerberg

Army Troops

See pictures and uniforms of all the units that have been stationed at the Karlsborgs Fortress during the years.

The logistics Corps, the Engineer Corps and the Quatermaster Corps are desribed in text, images and objects. The Artillery and the Air Raid Defence are represented with cannons and gun barrels, showing the development of technology in the 19th century.

The Paratrooper school startad its operations 1951 and shows parts of the training activities as well as how parachutes and jumping equipment were developed.


The Life Regiement Hussars K3 has a special part in the museum and shows the history and also their structure today.The regiment includes a light combat battalion, an intelligence battalion, and a unit responsible for training the Home Guard.



The Air Force Exhibition

Inside the great museum features gems of aviation history from 1913 to 1994. We tell the story of the Royal Västergötland Air Force  with models and objects.


International Military Operations

In the exhibition you will see pictures and objects from former international military operations. You will get an overview how the time was served during these operations and the purpose of shy these operations are held.



Special operations Task Group - SOG

The Special Operations Task Group - SOG is a core unit of the Sweden’s special forces, providing unique and unconventional capabilities to achieve strategic goals.

This is the one of a kind exhibition and the only existing i Sweden. You will read about what their tasks are and their history until today.




Native Place

In this exhibition we describe the exciting story of the marketplace that became the national reserve capital and civilian life in and around Karlsborg. Images and objects are combined with miniature models, as well as slideshows that depict society now and then. Maybe you recognize someone from the pictures?

In the exhibition sbout the Native Place  you can also take part of the Göta Canal's building as well as the shipping that was on Vättern.
