Lecture By Bengt Österblom 29 October 2019 – Catholicism in Sweden until the year 1600



The lecture depicts Christianity through mission and returning Christians. In Birger Earl’s time, the church was given a definite role in society, which led to the founding of a Protestant state church in Gustav Vasa’s Reformation. However, under Johan III and Sigismund, attempts were made to re-introduce Catholicism. From the year 1617, at the death penalty, it was forbidden for Swedish citizens to belong to the Catholic Church. In the Church of 1686, it was stipulated that all Swedish citizens should confess to the Evangelical-Lutheran faith and that those who renounced the country’s ”right” religion should be expelled from the kingdom.

Entry: SEK 20
TIME: Tuesday, October 29 at 1 p.m. 18:30
LOCATION: Karlsborg Fortress Museum

Language: Swedish


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